Saying Goodbye…

Siena Marie will be born in a few months, and now that the last wedding of 2010 is completed, I’ve been busy working on the nursery.  It’s pretty much ready to go, we just need a baby in there!

Photo by Trista Lerit

But as I look forward to my new life with baby, I’m sad to announce the end of my “other baby”, The Treasured Petal. When I started TPetal 4 years ago, I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mommy one day, so it’s not like I didn’t see this coming.  Here’s the honest truth:  I long to be the kind of mom who has time to make my own baby food, exercise, be my husband’s hot girlfriend, cook healthy dinners, socialize, and run my family with the same intensity and drive as I ran my business- with a real budget, real goals… a PLAN.

I do love the flower business, but those 4 am flower mart trips and late late nights drawing up proposals on the computer will not be as enjoyable to me with a baby on my hip.  Plus, I think it’s about time to trade in my cargo van for a mini van.  JK!  I’m not quite ready for that yet.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this topic!  I have so many friends who have been able to balance mommyhood and entrepreneurship beautifully. More power to them!  But I know myself well, and I have a pretty one track mind.  There was a time when The Treasured Petal was truly my baby, and I needed to devote all my energy, time, and creativity to making it work.  Sometimes during the really busy seasons, housework and time with hubby was compromised.  We ate lots of takeout.  I drank too much coffee and had plenty of knots in my back.  I also should have showered more 🙂 The hard work and sacrifice did pay off, and I’m so so proud of all I’ve achieved through TPetal! But a business is not a baby, not even close.

At my last wedding a few weeks ago, I did cry a little.  And I got extremely nostalgic as I cruised the flower mart for the “last time” (I’ve actually been back 2 times since then to pick up random flowers for friends/clients.)  There is so much I will miss.  So I want to say THANK YOU to the following peeps.  Without you, TPetal would never have gotten off the ground.

1.  My incredible husband Joe, whose constant cheerleading kept me going when things got tough.

2.  My best friend Angel Swanson, who helped me book my first wedding ever.  Since then, we’ve probably done at least 40 weddings together!  But our friendship is sooo much deeper than a business relationship.  She really is like a sister, and someone who I admire in so many ways.

3.  My favorite flower vendors– Felipe at Holland Flowers,  Ed from California Flowers, and Nick from Floral Supply Syndicate.  I’m notoriously picky about my flowers, and they always treated me like a princess.

4.  My sister Jennylyn, who gave me pep talks early on when I thought I was way over my head. She told me that I had to be willing to fail in order to be a business woman.  As a perfectionist, this was a hard lesson to learn.

5.  Janie from The Bride’s Cafe, who was the first ever “big blog” to publish my work.  Her post about me opened up many more opportunities for my little company.  She’s continued to reach out and support me throughout the years. I hope to meet her in person in a few months when she comes out to the West Coast.

6.  My main assistants, Montita and Shana, who pretty much rock in every way.  I’m so blessed to have found such hard-working, talented designers.

7.  The many friends I’ve met in the industry!  I’m sure I’ll get a little jealous when I see all the amazing projects you’re working on.   Maybe I can assist you on weddings once in a while, just to keep my pulse on the industry 🙂

8.  My loyal blog readers, whose sweet comments bring a smile to my face and have given me comfort during hard times.  It’s been fun!

9.  Last but not least, my amazing, stylish couples who trusted me enough to make their weddings beautiful! Not a bridezilla in the bunch 🙂  A few groomzillas though.  I kid!

So yes, I’m saying goodbye to The Treasured Petal for now, but I still have a wonderful creative outlet with my accessory boutique  Petal and Thorn. I’ve been busy creating some gorgeous new products, soon to be listed.  You can continue to keep up with my life and my crafts on my new blog, Petal and Thorn Handmades.  I hope to include lots of DIY instructions and house-wifey stuff on there, too.  Plus, oddly enough, I still have a bunch of 2010 weddings to blog!  Update your RSS feeds! Don’t let this be our last goodbye!!!

And to entice you to make the leap:

If you want to see the rest of my big belly pics, taken by my lovely friend Trista Lerit, go to the Petal and Thorn blog!!!  See you there in 5 seconds!

15 Responses to “Saying Goodbye…”

  1. joyful Weddings & Events Says:

    So proud of you! Beautifully said and her nursery is looking adorable! 🙂

  2. Jenn Says:

    Kristin, I’m so excited for you and your new adventures! Your floral designs at our wedding were perfect, and it made me so happy that YOU were the one doing the bouquets and bouts. I knew I could count on you to make it beautiful. Thank you for your kindness with my weird visa situation, and thank you for sharing such beautiful design with us all. You and Joe will be wonderful parents. 🙂
    Jenn (Geisert) Keniston

  3. Flowers by Helen Says:

    oh no! i’ll be so sad when there are no more lovely flower posts from you 😦 Your work is so beautiful and you were such a great inspiration! Best wishes for your new family 🙂

  4. barbara dieppa Says:

    My dear sweet Kristin…..I am so excited for you and your new path as a mother. You are truly a talented, beautiful, warm woman and will make such a wonderful mother. Congrats to the both of you..and beautiful pics of the nursery and of you! Hot mama! Thank you for all of the talent that you’ve given us!!

  5. janet Says:

    You look fabulous! I’m sad I won’t be seeing more of your flowers, but I’m looking forward to your posts on Petal and Thorn. Good luck with your new business venture!

  6. Jody Says:

    You are totally doing the right thing! I’m just a hobby florist – but even those 3-4 weddings a year are causing too much stress on my family (4 yr old and 2 yr old) – so the weddings are going to have to go. Sad since I love working with flowers, but my kids and husband are more important. Way to make the hard but right choice!

  7. bethany Says:

    it’s been super fun watching your business take off (literally!), follow your blog, getting to witness your work first hand (hanna&richard)… but even *more* excited for this next chapter in your life 🙂 yay!!!

  8. hanna Says:

    kristin!! i’m thrilled that you are going to be a mommy! 🙂 i’m excited to follow your new adventures on petal & thorn! honestly, i still remember how beautiful everything was at my wedding thanks to you!!! 🙂

  9. Rachel (heart of light) Says:

    Kris, you have to go with your gut on these decisions! You will be a wonderful mom, and I’m sure that you’ll want to focus on the little one for a while. Remember that it isn’t an all or nothing choice – you’ll have a million opportunities for new adventures in the future.

  10. angel swanson Says:

    siena & joe are blessed — i know you are going to transition into your new role just beautifully. ❤ always your cheerleader, angel xoxo

  11. Marcie Gaukrodger Says:

    Kristin, I will miss your blog SO MUCH! I’ve been inspired by your beautiful designs and your uplifting blogs. You can’t even imagine how much I have dwelled on the perfect peony, mixed with the perfect orchid, or maybe you can!!! You were willing to share your crystal vendor when I needed help and I appreciate that so much…Siena Marie is a very lucky baby to have such a passionate mommy. Enjoy every breath of your precious bundle and never look back…..

  12. Allie Says:

    So sad to hear this. It is definitely hard to have both a wedding floral business and being a mommy…take it from me! I am struggling deciding if I want a #2 because of all the reasons you state above. But for me, I need the space away from home and child. And, for me, working makes me sane. And, as it turns out: when my boy was an infant, I worked mostly at night and on weekends when my husband would be with him. And now that he is almost 3 I enjoy going to my studio to get away from a tantrum for a couple hours.
    I will miss looking at your weddings. They always inspire me to more creative arrangements. Good luck and Happy pushing!!

  13. Kristin Pahati Says:

    I’ve been a secret admirer reading your blogs for a few years. I randomly came across your work seeking out a florist blog and to my surprise we shared our namesake and work. I’m merely a novice next to your beautiful compositions and I’m saddened to hear your inspirational posts will be gone!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences on your blog. You’re truly talented and I wish you luck with your new adventure!

  14. Dawn Termini-Sinacori Says:

    sweet Kristin, the baby’s room is adorable and you look absolutely radiant in your maternity pics….your beauty shines!
    i have to say that i feel honored to be one of the brides who was blessed with your creative talents for my wedding. our florals were perfection. everything i had hoped for and more!!! your sweet kind soul and amazing talent will be greatly missed in the wedding industry.
    may this next chapter in your life be as joyous as your last.
    i hope that i get the honor of shooting a few baby pics, when your little angel arrives!
    love & blessings…. dawn
    p.s.- our wedding was featured on style me pretty! hooray! posted last week, i believe.

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