My Favorite Roses

I always ask my brides which flowers they love, and which flowers they absolutely don’t love.  Roses are almost always mentioned.  Most brides see their lovable qualities- their gorgeous spiraled petals, the insane variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, their sturdiness in all kinds of weather, and their relative affordability (I can’t think of a more bang-for-your-buck flower out there.)  But there are some brides who consider roses to be a little “same-old”,”traditional”, or “bleh”.  Perhaps they just want to explore the hundreds of other more unique flower possibilities before they settle on the old stand-by.  I totally get it.

These are the roses that excite me every time I pick them up from the mart.  These are the varieties that have reignited my love for roses and have converted my most anti-rose brides into rose lovers.

1.  Polo:

A creamy white rose.  Love their cup-like shape and ruffly texture.


(Photo by Tony Florez Photography)

2.  Pink Intuition:

How funky are these fuchsia zebra striped beauties?

pink intuition

3.  Faith:

These lush roses have a color that’s hard to define: where lavender meets dusty rose meets silver.  They are so much more beautiful in person.


(Photo by Viera Photographics)

4.  Amnesia:

There is something mysterious and a little haunting about these greenish-greyish-purplish roses.


5.  Black baccara:

My love for this rose is probably obvious, since I use it whever I can. You can’t fully appreciate it until you feel it’s velvety soft petals.

black baccara(Photo by Trista Lerit)

6. Abraham Darby garden rose. Scratch that, any garden rose!!!

darby rose(Photo by Jasmine Star)

7. Mimi Eden Spray Rose:

A million tiny petals that burst open in shades of intense pink and cream.  Their mini blooms are the size of quarters.


(Photo found here)

8.  Sahara:

Soft beige with a touch of pink on the outside of the petals.  Adds a hint of color to neutral white arrangements.

modern tablescape

(Photo by Jonilyn Photography)

9. Supergreen:

My go-to green rose.  While green tea, jade and limbo roses can look a little washed out and yellowish (depending on the bunch), supergreen is reliably a vibrant shade of chartreuse.


(Photo by Michael Norwood Photography)

10.  Circus:

No rose opens as beautifully as this orange and yellow bi-color lovely.  It just pops in this bouquet!

tran and peter 8(Photo by The Image Is Found)

There are so many others I could list, I may need to do a part 2 🙂  With so many rose varieties coming out all the time, there are still many more to discover.  Also, R.I.P. to my favorite rose varieties that are no longer available in L.A. (like sterling silver and candy bianca!)

Are you a “rose person?” What are your favorites? Also, if you’re a florist, are you mourning the loss of a favorite rose that is no longer being produced?  I feel you!

11 Responses to “My Favorite Roses”

  1. Melissa Says:

    I have to say, I’m still not a huge rose fan, but garden roses get me every time. They are so ruffly and beautiful! I can’t wait to have them in my wedding:)

  2. Rebecca Says:

    I love love love Milva roses! Total gorgeousness!

  3. katie Says:

    been stalking your blog for ages… I absolutely agree with every rose you’ve mentioned here. Just got my hands on ‘quick sand’ this past week… absolutely GORGEOUS soft vintage dusty pink with dark pink edges and opens so nicely. oh so romantic, but I have NO IDEA what farm it came from!! 🙂

    Would love to know your go to pink roses… fuschia, hot pink, soft pink… so many choices and I’m such a color nerd – it’s so hard to pick which ones are the best together! totally sad over Candy Bianca also – it was my go-to soft blush pink. Fenice is a nice sub, but much creamier. What have you switched to??

    thanks for the post… looking forward to part 2!!

    • thetreasuredpetal Says:

      Thanks Katie! I’ve been following you too 😉
      I’m dying to see quick sand- I’ll keep my eyes out for it. Sounds amazing.
      My go to fuchsia has been hot princess lately. My grower gave me cherry o by accident once, and I really liked it! Smelled like cherries, too! Those are deep fuchsia-almost magenta. I have yet to find a good true hot pink- I try to use pink intuition when I can because it consistently opens up beautifully, while ravel can be so tight! Still searching for a good candy bianca replacement, but I’ve turned to alicia and even sweet akito as a substitute. I don’t like either nearly as much 😦 So fun to talk roses with you! Until next time!

  4. janet Says:

    Sahara – great neutral
    Black Baccara – looks like velvet
    Amnesia – incredible neutral mauve color
    Hearts – this variety has been around for a few years, but one of my favorite growers just picked it up and it’s amazing
    Antico Amore garden rose – the perfect peach/pink shade
    Peach Vision spray rose – it almost goes with anything, the perfect neutral pink
    Polar Star – knock out size, great scent
    Green Fashion – long lasting, inner petals change from champagne to ivory as it ages
    the Prophyta family esp. Cream Prophyta, Royal Prophyta and Prophyta – great colors, small head, beautiful opener, long lasting

    I’ve been looking to try Terra Nostra and Hypnose…

  5. Omega Says:

    Hello again!

    Just wondering how you created the wire holding the mason jar you used on the tree.


    • thetreasuredpetal Says:

      Hi there, any flexible wire will work. I used something called “rustic wire” which is florist wire covered with a rough, bark-like material. It gave the jars that rustic look. Good luck!

  6. Seraite Says:

    Could someone please tell me the name of the cream colored rose flower on photo #2 sitting at left of the zebra striped pink intuition? that is now my favorite, and I hate roses!

  7. Seraite Says:

    Could someone please tell me the name of the cream colored rose flower on photo #2 sitting at left of the zebra striped pink intuition? that is now my favorite, and I’ve never liked roses

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